Personal Loan

Here’s How a Personal Loan Can Help You Fund Your Home Gym Without Depleting Your Savings/Investments


Having a home gym has emerged as a new basic. With a steep rise in lifestyle diseases and obesity related conditions, including physical exercise in the daily routine has become a basic necessity. The alarming rise in health conditions has also resulted in the rise of fitness aware people who seek to have the best amenities at their disposal. As such a home gym is becoming a more common addition in the home plan. However, setting up a gym is a costly endeavour, with each equipment costing in thousands or lakhs. But with an instant personal loan, you can equip your gym with all the machineries that you want.

Applying for a personal loan has become easier than ever before. All you need to do is install an instant loan app, compare the loan offers, fill the loan application with the lender that best suits your needs, furnish the necessary documents and that’s it. The loan amount will be credited to your loan account within 24 to 48 hours.

Read on to discover the advantages of having an in-house gym and how a personal loan can help you in setting up your home gym.

Benefits of an in-home gym

Among the benefits of having an indoor gym are:

  • Convenience

With our busy schedules, missing out the gym is a very common thing. But when you have a home gym, you can work out at any time as per your convenience. You do not have to miss out on your work-out session because you got stuck at a meeting or in the traffic. Studies show that working out at any time during the day will benefit your health.

  • Affordability

Though setting up a home gym might seem like a costly endeavour, it is a one-time cost. If you calculate the costs over a period of time your gym membership would definitely turn out to be more costly. Also, having a home gym means anyone living in your house will get free access to the gym. This will not only prove to be cost saving but will also motivate your family to stay fit.

  • New moms need it

A home gym is a must-have for new parents. With a child in one hand and the job or household chores in another, it becomes very difficult for new moms to manage time for the gym. Many new moms put on a few extra kilos during pregnancy and they find it difficult to shed weight after delivery.This is a major contributor of post-partum depression. Having a home gym will not only help them get back in shape but exercising also releases endorphins, improves sleep quality and boosts your metabolism.

Benefits of opting for a Personal Loan to design your home gym

Some of the benefits of availing a personal loan to finance your home gym are:

  • Flexible Term

When you opt for a personal loan to finance your home gym, you can have a flexible tenure ranging from 12 months to 60 months. You can use aninstant loan app to calculate your EMIs and choose a tenure that best suits your repayment schedule.

  • Low-interest rates

Personal loans come at low-interest rates that make financing your home gym very pocket-friendly. A personal loan is much cheaper than a credit card debt, and if you invest wisely then availing a personal loan would be more affordable than using up your savings.

  • No Collateral Caveat

When you apply for a personal loan through an instant loan appto finance your gym equipment, you need not put up any collateral. Thus, availing a personal loan will not freeze your assets and you always have the option to avail another secured loan in case of an emergency.

  • Fast Approvals

Unlike other loans, personal loans come with the convenience of instant approvals. The money gets directly credited to your bank account within 24 hours. This means you no longer have to wait in endless queues to arrange for funds.

  • No Paperwork

To avail a personal loan via the instant loan app, you only have to submit a few documents. Income proof, Identity documents, and address proof are among KYC documents that you have to submit to get approved for a personal loan to finance gym equipment.

Financing for Gym Equipment

The cost of gym equipment ranges from a few thousand rupees to a couple of lakhs.

Let’s take the cost of a treadmill that can go up to Rs 50,000. The dumbbells and barbells (in the range of 5kg to 30 kg), can cost about Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000. You also have to invest in a multi-station machine for performing different push-and-pull exercises. These include triceps pushdowns, seated cable rows, lateral pull-downs, and bench presses. The cost of a quality all-inclusive machine can go up to Rs 1 lakh.

Besides that, you will need accessories, including a workbench, medicine balls, resistance bands, and yoga mats. All this can cost you up to Rs 25,000. The machines for leg exercises can also cost in lakhs.

Hence, setting up a home gym can go up to a few lakhs.

With an instant personal loan, your dream of installing a home gym becomes possible. You can access credit to the tune of Rs 25 lakh and reasonable EMIs to personalize your in-home gym as per your workout requirements.


Investing in an indoor gym is a great idea, particularly in the post-pandemic world. If you dream of having your own fitness centre but cannot pay for it upfront, you canopt for an instant personal loan. With your personal gym, you do not have to spend big on gym memberships. Further, having an in-house gym can help you save time and lets you work out at any time as per your convenience. Thus, setting up a home gym is a great investment that would bring you great health benefits over time.

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